Week 8 — Lead Practice

2 min readMar 10, 2020

Curriculum Changes

Liberty University president announces changes in graduation requirements that would require students entering next fall to take one math, computer science and foreign language course.

President Jerry Falwell discussed this decision: “We feel that these new course requirements will allow us to turn out better-educated persons.” A recent study showed that only 15% of students at the university took a foreign language course and 20% took a math course.


Sunday night, 22-year-old Vanderbuilt University homecoming queen and daughter of locally prominent local attorney gets arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol for the third time in six months.

Cathy Benson is a cheerleader, straight-A student and senior studying biology. Her fatheris local attorney Jim Bensen, 211 Green Grove Drive. Cathy’s mother, Sharon Benson, lives in Canada.

Record Weather

The temperature reached a high of 82 degrees at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday according to the Port Columbus weather office, making it the hottest temperature for this date since 1988.


A group of citizens, led by church pastor, plans to protest Virginia Tech at the state capital next Monday because of their teachings on evolution by biology professor.

Pastor Wilbur Straking, from the Ever-Faithful Church of the Living Water spoke on the protests: “I plan to lead a group of 25 dedicated Christians to the state capital next Monday to speak with legislators about this problem. We believe the teaching of evolution s against the principles of this Christian Country, and we want to put a stop to it.” The university president and associate professor of biology, Laura Cliff, declined to comment on the groups charges.


Tuesday in Circuit Court, a $100,000 negligence suit was filed against Amburn’s Produce Market by woman who slipped and broke her hip because of green beans on the market floor, April 1 this year.

The suit says Ellie Maston, 313 Journey Road, “suffered permanent bodily and mental injuries, incurred medical expenses and lost income.”

Agreement Announced

Presidents of Ambrose Steel Company and United Steelworkers Local 923 make joint announcement that the company and union have reached a collective bargaining agreement, calling of the strike set for midnight on Monday.

Charles Pointer, from United Steelworkers Local 923, says the terms of agreement will be read Monday night to a meeting of the union. Clyde Parris, from Ambrose Steel Company, says the contract includes “substantial wage agreement” but will not say how much; will also be announced Monday night.




Strategic Communication and Graphic Design, LU ‘22